
Video Game Ambitions

(Updated Feb. 6, 2016)

Below is a list of features I want to include in my female possession video game:

-Breast and ass physics [Physics Advisor: Miles Martinez]
-Occupy host's house
-Skill tree [Skill Tree Advisor: Miles Martinez]
-Animations for eating, changing clothes, etc.
-Enemies (animals, pets, police, etc.) [Enemy Advisor: Miles Martinez]
-Eat food through host
-Sleep through host
-Infect human population [infection advisor: Miles Martinez]
-ai cult system [ai consultant: Miles Martinez]
-Use parasite abilities through host (tentacle out of orifice to grab hard to reach item, super strength, higher jumping, etc.)
-Hide evidence (If furniture is knocked over in a struggle with the host, you should put it back to remove suspicion.  If you left slime or other evidence, you should hide it from anyone who might find it)
-Story mode [Story Mode Consultant: Miles Martinez]
-Host preferences (learn your host's sizes to buy the right sized clothes, do they have bad eyesight, etc.)
-Bath (bath tub, bubble bath and shower)
-Sedation skill (to enter host safely)
-Amnesia skill (to leave host safely longterm)
-Past, modern, future and fantasy settings played separately
-Horny meter (if you don't relieve yourself privately before the meter is full, you will masturbate or rape someone uncontrollably in public, resulting in risk of alerting enemies.  The meter will recharge regularly (Higher skill will require less relief.)
-"Wriggle" controls
-Struggle to expel possessor if playing as host
-Play as a victim controlled by an npc possessor
-Play online possessing or getting possessed
-Timer to stay in host
-Increase time in host through experience
-Ventilation and plumbing navigation
-Fly through walls
-Ability to leave host
-Host hair growth
-Host wardrobe
-Customize your parasite
-Unlockable parasite abilities
-Stealth system
-Customize your host
-Uncover host's memories
-Level up in "remembering" host's memories
-Open world
-Drivable vehicles
-Self-fondle host
-Masturbation with host
-Sex with other humans and parasites
-Switch between first person and third person view
-Mirrors and reflective surfaces
-Puzzles requiring host memories (bank account numbers, passwords, friends asking questions, etc.)
-Parasite growth and evolution
-Parasite reproduction and AI parasite offspring
-Day and night cycle
-Different possessor types (tentacle monster, mist, bug, demon, etc.)
-Different entry methods

Leave suggestions in the comments section and receive credit if it goes into the game!  Tell me exactly how you want your name to be spelt in the credits.  Even your criticisms will be credited.  Did you notice fire extinguishers are missing?  You pointing that out will grant you the title of 'fire extinguisher consultant'!  Are you a plumber and noticed I have undetailed pipes?  You will get the 'plumbing consultant' credit!

If your idea gets in the game or your criticism changes something in the game, you will be directly credited! :)


  1. I would like to offer to help test this

    1. As soon as I can figure out how, I would like to give Patreon Patrons access to the alpha build.

    2. Actualy it might be free for everyone, I'm not sure right now :9

    3. What happened to the game?

  2. If you really want to make this game i'd suggest finding a programmer first to see if you can even add all these features

    1. I am learning the Unreal 4 Engine which has visual scripting, meaning I won't have to type code :)

    2. The game will be playable at it's basic capacity and will be upgraded in baby steps, each time being playable.

  3. I think it'd be cool if the different possessor types had their own advantages/disadvantages. For example, demons could pass through walls and have an easier time taking control but would have to change bodies more often or else the host literally burns out (turns to ash or something). A slime could be able to slip through cracks and could hide as a puddle of water by staying still, but would have to keep most of their body together.

    1. Those are some good ideas. I'd like to do research and incorporate some mythos and physics of possessors as part of the way the game works.

  4. Could be male possession in this game and infect kisses (homo too)?

    1. Infect kisses yes. Male possession, maybe. But female first.

  5. Will be different age groups (kids,teens, adults)?

    1. No kids or teens below 18. Definitely adults.

    2. There should only be women in the game, mebay a little bit of guys like 8, because its hot if there's only girls.

    3. There should only be women in the game, mebay a little bit of guys like 8, because its hot if there's only girls.

    4. Hey jack, I'd like to credit you for a "girls only mode"

  6. A game like this is a massive undertaking. Maybe if it were text-based, a single indie developer could maybe take a couple of years. But a one/two-man team making an animated game with physics, who needs to study programming first ? At the very minimum, five years. Probably your motivation will burn out long before that or real life will make it impossible. I'd definitely aim very low for your alpha build.
    You probably should consider some of these features, especially online play, past/future/fantasy settings, and graphical animations, to be purely stretch goals once the main build is done. As someone who does a lot of animations, believe me, a six-second animation *alone* will take you six hours if you want any quality at all. I can't even fathom how long proper online play and 3 whole new graphics sets for three other settings would take. Just my $0.02

    1. You are correct, which is why the first version has 1 room, 1 hallway, and 1 woman in one scene.

  7. Why dont add dress and undress the host feature so you can play naked

  8. and also can you add effects on possessing the host like a host that is possessed has red eyes

    1. and also add like you talk to npcs as a parasite possessing a host like to fool them when the npc asks you "why are your eyes different?" to which the parasite inside a host replies "it's just the eye contacts"

    2. also if by any chance my ideas get in the game just write "C.J.D.A" in the credits as my name

  9. I Have got nice idea for you link:
    I can do more if you want, but please do male possession in this game( I am bisexual)

    1. I'm not sure if I'll do male possession but I'll try to make it possible for other people to mod it.

  10. There are certainly a lot of possibilities for this thing. The different possession creatures alone summons a whole sea of potential.

    Though you have already mentioned several possibilities, there are many which could still be considered.

    Worms, for instance, would be one of these. It's a fairly classic concept. Enter, assume control, simple.

    A hive-mind sort of virus might be intriguing too - infecting and controlling multiple hosts. Perhaps the virus would have a fairly swift "burnout" pace, but to compensate, you would be able to infect more hosts without actually leaving the one you are in, allowing you to go for the next one and activate the dormant infection there once the one you were in falls. Either that or you simply gain control of many at once.

    Some sort of technological implant might be an option too. Like, say, a piece of hardware that integrates with the host-mind, or maybe just run with nano-bots that possess a host and work together to control it, each nanobot being merely a piece of their interlinked network.

    You could try something which lays eggs in the womb first and then gradually assumes control as the eggs hatch. well as several other possibilities. I'm looking forward to seeing how this turns out.

  11. I like features posted above. There's already many ideas about parasites, systems and so on but I feel as fan of possession that players should have opportunity to possess unique characters. Lets just say there will be time limited event in which you will have chance to possess famous female singer/idol. In addition, getting close to that person will be extremely difficult and you will be forced to deal with many things(bodyguards, security systems, etc.) before you get your chance to possess your target.

    1. Hi, I'm back after quitting my job which was taking up most of my time. I like your ideas and will credit you for "special hosts" and "body gaurd" enemies.

  12. hey are you still working on it or is it dead

  13. hey are you still working on it or is it dead

    1. I'm back after quitting my busy job. The game project is not dead. It will be made someday (:

  14. Replies
    1. Hi, I'm back after quitting my budy job! (: Development of the game will continue!

  15. Hrm, i definitely love all the possibilities you have set out. One of my favorites being an alien parasite possession sinilar to that of The Hidden. Is there an alpha or some previews we could see? I'd love to see its wip.

    1. Sorry I just got back from quitting my job which was taking up most of my time. Work on the game will continue now.

  16. I think it's perfect! Thanks..... (I always think game like this will come...)Hope you always healthy and refresh!

    1. Thank you for your support, I hope it makes you happy when it is done (:

  17. any screenshots of what ot expect?

    1. Sorry I just recently qt my job which was taking up most of my time. There are no screenshots to show yet.

  18. I love the idea, when we would have a little taste of this project???

    1. Hello, sorry I was busy with my job which I quit recently. I don't know when the game will be playable but to make sure it is playable early there will be a very basic version first that will expand.

  19. Replies
    1. Sorry I was very tired from my job, but I quit so that I can work on the game :D. I don't know yet how people will be able to play the game, but I want people to play it on a computer and/or mobile device like smart phone or tablet. I'm going to try to use Blender to make the game.

  20. Sorry for the long silence everyone, I was busy and only recently quit my job. Now I have time to make the game :D. I'll start answering your question you have posted here.

  21. Is it open world 3d or 2d from like a side or something?... tip:If open world
    Use some a few idea like a gta world or mod or something.. just for example
    And i cant wait to see the game dude!

    1. The first game will be 2D sidescrolling linear adventure but after that I want to make an open world 3D sandbox.

  22. Jack the hyena here with a idea maybe make a hard to get skill that lets players breed & or play together a co-op online or offline it's tricky but make much more fun oh & maybe joking with npcs to get closer or to make them blush & Maybe male & female play for co-op & Maybe each host you can take got a charm stat level & skills boost too oh & hypnotic way to get a host by smell or mine lol so good luck yes from JTH lol

  23. So how is the exact progress now?..(%)

    Try adding 3 more people to do the work..
    Doing it alone will make it hard/long to build
    And you will be lost interest to making it..
    (Bttf) if you put your mind to it,you can accomplished anything

    Your future is whatever yoy make

    -island (rather than unlimited world)
    -a place for the possessor
    -mode horny
    -possessing from host to other
    -maybe other many.. i forgot

    1. I learned how to make (in 3D) a first person camera, third person camera, controllable character, start screen, menus, heads up display, solid ground environment. To speed up the release of the game, the first level will just be one room with one woman and one possessor.

  24. This sounds very promising Volo I can't wait to see the alpha(Well I can but it's hard when you're hyped) I've been a fan of your work for a long time and I must say you never cease to amaze me,Best of luck to you my friend.

  25. Soo this gаme will be free? I hope yes, аlso will your gаme be on steаm?

  26. well I hаve 1 ideа. Peаceful mode, in thаt mode NPC will ignore you аnd don't killing you (if plаying аs possessor), if plаying аs victim possessor will enter body, but don't control it. (sorry for my bаd English)

  27. well next ideа.... Sаndbox mode. In thаt mode you cаn spаwn NPC аnd (if plаyer wаnt this) сustomize them , spаwn enemies, possessor. Аnd chose in whаt you wаnt plаying (posser , victim) аnd wаtch whаt will come or mаke dog аrmy. (My ideа cаme from Gаrry's mod, sаndbox mode)

  28. hey how is the progress going along? i would like to play it!
